Nightguards: a brief description

Night guards are thin plastic appliances that slips over the surface of your teeth. They are not designed to stop the grinding or clenching of the jaw, but rather provide a cushion to minimize the force ( estimated at  1,200 Newtons of force ) and on unprotected teeth, that can cause serious damage. A night guard absorbs and disperses that force and protects the surface of your teeth. This cushion barrier also reduces the pressure associated with clenching and can help relieve pressure and tension in the jaw

The cheapest option are stock night guards which are sold over the counter in pharmacies. These are a one-size-fits-all model and, in some cases, can actually cause more problems because they do not fit properly.

Custom night guards are made by taking a mold/ scan of your upper and lower teeth and using that to create a perfect guard that fits your teeth. These guards fit snug so there is no worry about shifting or moving. Custom night guards are typically thinner than stock guards and much more comfortable, while still providing the necessary cushion.

A custom-made night guard can provide many additional benefits. The grinding and clenching you do at night can cause headaches and sleep disruption. With a night guard in place, this tension is reduced. You may find yourself getting a much better night of sleep. Your morning headaches will be a thing of the past.

 Furthermore, Bruxism is the leading cause of dental damage. As you grind your teeth, you wear down the enamel, increasing the risk of dental decay and injury to the tooth, resulting in more costly dental procedures. Unlike stock mouth guards, a custom guard assures that your jaw is properly aligned. A stock guard does not do this and disrupting jaw alignment can cause even more issues.

 Feel free to contact us via (204) 8316633 for a Consult if you notice you grind your teeth or have tooth sensitivity.

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