Oral Cancer Screening

Oral Cancer Screenings Can Save Your Life

When it comes to cancer, early detection can save your life. Nearly 50,000 people are diagnosed with oral cancer every year. While most oral cancers are very treatable, delayed diagnosis can lead to serious complications.

Fortunately, VELscope® offers an easy, painless, and non-invasive way to identify oral cancers and other abnormalities. The VELscope® system uses a harmless blue light to help spot abnormal tissue before it’s visible to the naked eye.

VELscope® is fast, easy, effective, and it can even help save your life.

Your VELscope® Oral Cancer Screening

2 minutes. That’s all the time it takes to perform a VELscope® oral cancer screening during your next scheduled visit to Triunity dental.

At Triunity Family Dental, we’re such strong believers in the VELscope® system that we offer it free of charge to all of our patients as part of their routine dental care. As part of your screening, we’ll also talk with you about:

  • Factors that can increase your risk of oral cancers, including family history, smoking and use of other tobacco products
  • Symptoms of oral cancer and warning signs you can watch out for at home
  • How you can maximize your dental health and overall well-being
  • Your desire to maintain a natural, white, and healthy smile for a lifetime.

How VELscope® Works

VELscope® is a non-invasive system, powered by some really impressive technology!

Here’s what you can expect from your oral cancer screening:

• During your routine dental checkup, we’ll perform a VELscope® screening
• The VELscope® system shines a harmless blue light on your gums and the soft tissue in your mouth
• We’ll look for changes in the light that’s reflected back, indicating possible abnormalities
• You get real-time results and feedback. In under 2 minutes, you’ll know the results of your VELscope® screening

Did You Know?

We want to help you, and all of our patients, to live long, happy, healthy lives. There’s an old saying, “a stitch in time saves nine.” It’s true! Early detection and diagnosis save lives.

There’s simply no better diagnostic than the VELscope®, the only non-invasive method that’s clinically proven to aid in the early diagnosis of oral cancers.

The Triunity Dental Philosophy

Triunity Family Dental provides high-tech, high-touch dental care that maximizes comfort and delivers incredible results. Our focus is on providing a welcoming, relaxing office environment where you can receive compassionate, minimally invasive dental care.

Here’s what you can expect when you visit the Triunity Family Dental centre for a VELscope® cancer screening:

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Get In Touch

There’s no reason to put off your oral cancer screening.

Schedule an appointment and receive your VELscope® screening at no extra cost to you.

Call Triunity Family Dental at 204-831-6633


Did You Know?

We offer second opinions and will help you make the best choice for your health and your smile.