A Great Way to Replace Missing Teeth
Sometimes teeth get so damaged or decayed that they can’t be saved. Having one or more missing teeth can cause a variety of health problems and cosmetic issues. What can you do about that empty space? A denture (partial or complete) may be one of the options available to you.
At Triunity Family Dental, we make it our mission to provide minimally invasive, long-term restoration options for missing teeth that look and feel natural. Well made dentures function like real teeth, although they are removable. At Triunity Family Dental, we will use the latest digital x-ray and scanning technologies to help determine if a denture is the best choice for you.
Do You Need a Denture?
A missing tooth or teeth can lead to a variety of problems, including:
- Bite and jaw joint problems from teeth shifting to fill the space
- The “sunken face” look associated with missing teeth
- Difficulty chewing comfortably
- Feeling self-conscious about the appearance of missing teeth
A partial or complete denture is a safe, durable, and affordable solution to missing teeth.
When we fabricate and deliver a denture, an artificial teeth is placed where a tooth is missing. The framework is also covered in pink resin to simulate the natural soft tissue component of your gums. Periodic assessment of your bone and relining might be necessary to keep up with bone resorption rates.
Did You Know?
When you leave missing teeth untreated, the bone in your mouth and jaw eventually starts to deteriorate. That’s why some people with missing teeth often notice a difference in the appearance of their faces (the “sunken face” look). Dentures can help avoid this problem because they work just like natural teeth. That’s why we recommend dentures whenever possible.
Implants vs. Bridges vs. Dentures
For many years, dentures were the only option for people living with missing teeth. Fortunately, today that is no longer the case.
Implants and Fixed bridges are good alternatives for replacing few missing teeth. Dentures have a place in replacing multiple missing teeth. Visit Triunity Family Dental for a consult to determine which would work best for you.
Get In Touch
Want to learn more about your options for natural, safe, long-lasting dentures?
Call Triunity Family Dental at 204-831-6633
Did You Know?
Triunity Family Dental offers second opinions and can help you make the best choice for your dental and overall health.